原文http://www.cnblogs.com/Perit/articles/1759781.html 作者: Perit

BOOL D3DXIntersectTri(
FLOAT *pDist
但是如果我们用一个半径一定的球体按一定方向发射, 如何求出球将会什么时侯碰到三形形的什么位置, 碰撞点的法向如何, 球将会向何方继续运动, 或者结果球不会与三形形相撞. 作为连续碰撞检测来讲, 球体与三角形的连续碰撞检测是一个最基本的最核心的算法. 而连续碰撞检测算法也较我们常用的静态相交测试要费事的多. 在两篇外文文档中管这种检测叫quot;sweep testquot;.而介绍这种碰撞检测的资料十分少. 网上仅能找到的有价值的是下面两篇资料.
1) Generic Collision Detection for Games Using Ellipsoids
Paul Nettle
June 13, 2000
(Revised October 5, 2000)
2)Improved Collision detection and Response
Kasper Fauerby
25th July 2003
第一篇文档是最老的一篇文档, 我当时按其内容实现了其算法, 但是我在测试算法时总是能感觉球体在和三角形边缘碰撞时计算不正确, 因此做了很多检测, 最后确定是第一篇文档的算法本身出了问题, 从网上相关信息搜索来看仅能看到GameDev论坛上有人提出相似的凝问(http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/topic.asp?key=featartamp;uid=1026amp;forum_id=35amp;Topic_Title=General+Collision+Detection+for+Games+Using+Ellipsoids), 信息没了. 经过不断搜索相关资料终于发现了上面的第二篇文档, 上面也说明是第一篇文档的增强形算法,解决了上篇文档中的三角形边缘和球体的碰撞检测错误. 至此经过我按第二篇文档的方法测试, 证明其算法正确. 这儿简单说明下算法原理, 具体可以阅读上面两篇文档.
BOOL SphereIntersectTri(const Vec3D amp;v0,
const Vec3D amp;v1,
const Vec3D amp;v2,
const Vec3D amp;start,
const Vec3D amp;end,
const float radius,
float amp;dist,
Vec3D amp;pos,
Vec3D amp;normal)
最基本的相交算法, 球体和平面的相交算法. 见下图:


BOOL SameSide(const Vec3D amp;pos1, const Vec3D amp;pos2, const Vec3D amp;a, const Vec3D amp;b)
Vec3D ab = b - a;
Vec3D d1 = pos1 - a;
Vec3D d2 = pos2 - a;

Vec3D cross1;
Vector3Cross(ab, d1, cross1);

Vec3D cross2;
Vector3Cross(ab, d2, cross2);

float fdot = Vector3Dot(cross1, cross2);

if(fdot gt;= 0)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;

// 判断是否点位于各条边的同一侧
BOOL pointInTriangle(const Vec3D amp;pos, const Vec3D amp;posA, const Vec3D amp;posB, const Vec3D amp;posC)
if( SameSide(pos, posA, posB, posC) amp;amp;
SameSide(pos, posB, posA, posC) amp;amp;
SameSide(pos, posC, posA, posB) )
return TRUE;

return FALSE;

float triangleArea(const Vec3D amp;pos1, const Vec3D amp;pos2, const Vec3D amp;pos3)
Vec3D d1 = pos2 - pos1;
Vec3D d2 = pos3 - pos1;

Vec3D cross;
Vector3Cross(d1, d2, cross);

float result = 0.5f * cross.length();

return result;

// 利用面积测试点是事位于三角形内部
BOOL pointInTriangle2(const Vec3D amp;pos, const Vec3D amp;posA, const Vec3D amp;posB, const Vec3D amp;posC)
double triArea = triangleArea(posA, posB, posC);

double area = triangleArea(pos, posA, posB);
area += triangleArea(pos, posA, posC);
area += triangleArea(pos, posB, posC);

double epsilon = 0.0001;
if (fabs(triArea - area) lt; epsilon)
return TRUE;

return FALSE;
bool getLowestRoot(float a, float b, float c, float maxR, float amp;root)
// Check if a solution exists
float determinant = b*b - 4.0f*a*c;

// If determinant is negative it means no solutions.
if (determinant lt; 0.0f)
return false;

if(a == 0.0f)
return false;

// calculate the two roots: (if determinant == 0 thenx1==x2 let us disregard that slight optimization)
float sqrtD = sqrt(determinant);
float r1 = (-b - sqrtD) / (2*a);
float r2 = (-b + sqrtD) / (2*a);

// Sort so x1 lt;= x2
if (r1 gt; r2)
float temp = r2;
r2 = r1;
r1 = temp;

// Get lowest root:
if (r1 gt; 0 amp;amp; r1 lt; maxR)
root = r1;
return true;

// It is possible that we want x2 - this can happen if x1 lt; 0
if (r2 gt; 0 amp;amp; r2 lt; maxR)
root = r2;
return true;

// No (valid) solutions
return false;

A = velocity * velocity
B = 2 * (velocity * (basePoint - p))
C =(p- basePoint).length()^2 - 1
BOOL sphereIntersectPoint(const Vec3D amp;p,
const Vec3D amp;start,
const Vec3D amp;end,
float radius,
float amp;t,
Vec3D amp;collisionPoint)
// some commonly used terms:
Vec3D velocity = end - start;
Vec3D base = start;
float velocitySquaredLength = velocity.lengthSquared();
float a, b, c; // Params for equation
float newT;
bool foundCollison = false;

// For each vertex or edge a quadratic equation have to
// be solved. We parameterize this equation as
// a*t^2 + b*t + c = 0 and below we calculate the
// parameters a,b and c for each test.
// Check against points:
a = velocitySquaredLength;
b = 2.0f * (Vector3Dot(velocity, (base-p)));
c = (p-base).lengthSquared() - radius * radius;
if (getLowestRoot(a, b, c, t, newT))
t = newT;
foundCollison = true;
collisionPoint = p;

return foundCollison;
// Check agains edges: p1 -gt; p2:
BOOL sphereIntersectEdge(const Vec3D amp;p1,
const Vec3D amp;p2,
const Vec3D amp;start,
const Vec3D amp;end,
float radius,
float amp;t,
Vec3D amp;collisionPoint)
bool foundCollison = false;

Vec3D velocity = end - start;
float velocitySquaredLength = velocity.lengthSquared();

Vec3D edge = p2 - p1;
Vec3D baseToVertex = p1 - start;

float edgeSquaredLength = edge.lengthSquared();
float edgeDotVelocity = Vector3Dot(edge, velocity);
float edgeDotBaseToVertex = Vector3Dot(edge, baseToVertex);

float a, b, c;
float newT;

// Calculate parameters for equation
a = edgeSquaredLength * -velocitySquaredLength + edgeDotVelocity * edgeDotVelocity;
b = edgeSquaredLength * (2 * Vector3Dot(velocity, baseToVertex)) - 2.0f * edgeDotVelocity * edgeDotBaseToVertex;
c = edgeSquaredLength * (radius * radius - baseToVertex.lengthSquared()) + (edgeDotBaseToVertex * edgeDotBaseToVertex);

// Does the swept sphere collide against infinite edge?
if (getLowestRoot(a,b,c, t, newT))
// Check if intersection is within line segment:
float f = ( edgeDotVelocity * newT - edgeDotBaseToVertex ) / edgeSquaredLength;
if (f gt;= 0.0 amp;amp; f lt;= 1.0)
// intersection took place within segment.
t = newT;
foundCollison = true;
collisionPoint = p1 + f*edge;

return foundCollison;
BOOL SphereIntersectTri(const Vec3D amp;v0,
const Vec3D amp;v1,
const Vec3D amp;v2,
const Vec3D amp;start,
const Vec3D amp;end,
const float radius,
float amp;dist,
Vec3D amp;pos,
Vec3D amp;normal)
Vec3D sphereIntersectionPoint;
Vec3D planeIntersectionPoint;
Vec3D polygonIntersectionPoint;
BOOL embedInPlane = FALSE;
Vec3D velocity = end - start;
Vec3D dir = velocity.normalize();

Plane triPlane(v0, v1, v2);
Vec3D n = triPlane.normal;
float dStart = triPlane.getDistance(start);

// 北向三角形运动
float vn = velocity * n;
if(vn gt; 0.0f)
return FALSE;

// 运动方向和三角形平行
if( fabs(vn) lt; std::numeric_limitslt;floatgt;::epsilon() )
if(fabs(dStart) gt;= radius)
return FALSE;

// 剔除背向的三角形
if(dStart lt; 0)
return FALSE;

if(dStart lt;= radius)
embedInPlane = TRUE;

// Is the plane embedded
// Calculate the plane intersection point
planeIntersectionPoint = start - dStart * n;
// 运动起点和终点是否在三角形同一侧,如果是则不与此三角形相交
float dEnd = triPlane.getDistance(end);
if( dEnd gt; radius)
return FALSE;

// Calculate the sphere intersection point
sphereIntersectionPoint = start - radius * n;

// Calculate the plane intersection point
Ray r(sphereIntersectionPoint, dir);
float planedist = r.intersectPlane(amp;triPlane);

// Are we traveling away from this polygon?
if (planedist lt; 0.0f)
return FALSE;

// Calculate the plane intersection point
planeIntersectionPoint = sphereIntersectionPoint + planedist * dir;

// 检查三角形面碰撞点是否在三角形内部
BOOL bIntersectionPointInTriangle = pointInTriangle(planeIntersectionPoint, v0, v1, v2);

dist = (planeIntersectionPoint - sphereIntersectionPoint).length();
pos = start + dist * dir;
normal = (pos - planeIntersectionPoint).normalize();

return TRUE;
dist = 0;
pos = start;
normal = n;

return TRUE;
float t = 999999;
BOOL bIntersect = FALSE;
// 检测三个顶点是否和球体相交
bIntersect = sphereIntersectPoint(v0, start, end, radius, t, polygonIntersectionPoint);
bIntersect = sphereIntersectPoint(v1, start, end, radius, t, polygonIntersectionPoint);
bIntersect = sphereIntersectPoint(v2, start, end, radius, t, polygonIntersectionPoint);

// 三条边是否和球体相交
bIntersect = sphereIntersectEdge(v0, v1, start, end, radius, t, polygonIntersectionPoint);
bIntersect = sphereIntersectEdge(v1, v2, start, end, radius, t, polygonIntersectionPoint);
bIntersect = sphereIntersectEdge(v2, v0, start, end, radius, t, polygonIntersectionPoint);

dist = t * ( (end - start).length() );
pos = start + dist * dir;
normal = (pos - polygonIntersectionPoint).normalize();

return TRUE;

return FALSE;
一直到检测完所有顶点和线段 .而这种情况并不常见.所以不用过于担心这个函数的调用开销.

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